About JaysonCurry.com
One of my former students exclaimed, “Is this basically just a website about you?!” I guess they were not far off, but that is not my ultimate aim. Mostly, JaysonCurry.com is a passion project with some hopes and dreams for the future. It started off as an overview of my personal and professional background. However, I want to write. This website is going to be a way to keep me accountable to that goal. Secondarily, I am also slowly building toward a podcast. Mostly I just wanted to get my thoughts out to the world and take on the task of orienting everything I do in such a way that it reveals the beauty that God has written into the world through the story Jesus.
Below you can see some of the content available on the website.
Professional and Education Background
If you would like to see my résumé, which contains my professional history and educational background, you can view a website version of it here or you can download it here.
Personal Bio
If you would like to learn a little more about me personally, please checkout my personal bio page. Here you will find a bit about my family, hobbies, goals, and other interests.
Stewarding Our Stories Blog
I write a few posts for fun about things that I enjoy or about ideas that are tumbling around in my mind. Generally this blog is geared toward Stewarding Our Stories content. Feel free to read through some of them. You can find my most recent posts here.
Stewarding Our Stories Podcast
Coming soon!
Sermons and Other Content
Here is a link that points to the page where I have various other forms of content.
Stories matter. Know yours and learn others.
In the beginning, God spoke & the story of humanity began. We rejected God & tried to author our own story. Instead of beauty, we ushered in ruin. Despite our selfishness, God loved us enough to write himself into humanity’s story as a human being & offer life to that which was rotten. This is the most important story. It is the story of Jesus.